Latin Hypercube Sampling Software For Logic

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Most risk analysis simulation software products offer Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). It is a method for ensuring that each probability distribution in your model is evenly sampled which at first glance seems very appealing.

  1. Sampling Software For Pc
  2. Latin Hypercube Sampling Python

This document is a reference guide for LHS, Sandia`s Latin Hypercube Sampling Software. The Sandia Automated Boolean Logic Evaluation software.

The technique dates back to 1980[1] (even though the @RISK manual[2] describes LHS as “a new sampling technique”) when computers were very slow, the number of distributions in a model was extremely modest and simulations took hours or days to complete. It was, at the time, an appealing technique because it allowed one to obtain a stable output with a much smaller number of samples than simple Monte Carlo simulation, making simulation more practical with the computing tools available at the time.

Latin Hypercube Sampling Software For Logic

However, desktop computers are now at least 1,000 times faster than the early 1980s, and the value of LHS has disappeared as a result. LHS does not deserve a place in modern simulation software. We are often asked why we don’t implement LHS in our ModelRisk software, since nearly all other Monte Carlo simulation applications do, so we thought it would be worthwhile to provide an explanation here.

What is Latin Hypercube sampling?

Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) is a type of stratified sampling. It works by controlling the way that random samples are generated for a probability distribution. Probability distributions can be described by a cumulative curve, like the one below. The vertical axis represents the probability that the variable will fall at or below the horizontal axis value. Imagine we want to take 5 samples from this distribution. We can split the vertical scale into 5 equal probability ranges: 0-20%, 20-40%, …, 80-100%. If we take one random sample within each range and calculate the variable value that has this cumulative probability, we have created 5 Latin Hypercube samples for this variable:

When a model contains just one variable, the distribution can be stratified into the same number of partitions as there are samples: so, if you want 1000 samples you can have 1000 stratifications, and be guaranteed that there will be precisely 1 sample in each 0.1% of the cumulative probability range.

But risk analysis models don’t have just one distribution – they have many. LHS controls the sampling of each distribution separately to provide even coverage for each distribution individually, but does not control the sampling of combinations of distributions. This means that the extra precision offered by LHS over standard Monte Carlo sampling rapidly becomes imperceptible as the number of distributions increases.

What you gain from LHS

You gain a small level of precision, but it is a very small level. To illustrate this, consider a model that is summing nine normal distributions as follows:

I’ve chosen to sum nine distributions because this represents a very small model – nearly all models will have more than this number of variables - and the extra precision from LHS is more apparent with small numbers of variables. I’ve chosen a model that adds Normal distributions because we already know from probability theory that the resultant sum is another Normal distribution with mean = 81, standard deviation = 3.836665, and P95 (95 percentile) = 87.31075.

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I ran 500 samples of this simulation model using both Monte Carlo sampling and Latin Hypercube sampling. I chose 500 samples because this is a very modest number (simulation models are typically run for 3,000 – 5,000 samples or iterations) and LHS offers the greatest improvement in precision over Monte Carlo sampling when the number of samples is small. I repeated the exercise 200,000 times – each time recording the resultant distribution’s standard deviation and P95, both measures of spread which is what, as risk analysts, we are really interested in. The following plots present the findings.

Plot 1: This shows that if you run a model for 500 samples, the resultant standard deviation can vary from around 3.5 to 4.2, whereas the theoretical value (i.e. the value you’d achieve with an essentially infinite number of samples) is 3.836665. There is essentially no difference between the LHS and Monte Carlo simulation results.

Plot 2: This shows that if you run a model for 500 samples, the resultant P95 can vary from around 86.4 to 88.2, whereas the theoretical value (i.e. the value you’d achieve with an essentially infinite number of samples) is 87.3108. There is a small increase in precision by using LHS over Monte Carlo simulation but this is drowned out by the imprecision of taking so few (500) samples.

In summary: the increase in precision offered by LHS is extremely modest, even when one applies it to simulations where it offers the greatest benefit (i.e. few distributions and few samples) and this increase in precision is trivial in comparison to the imprecision of the results achieved from running so few samples.

What you lose with LHS

LHS would still be marginally beneficial in simulation if it did not bring with it a number of restrictions and penalties, some of which are very important. The following list describes some of those restrictions:

Memory and speed

With LHS, the stratified sampling has to be done for each distribution prior to starting the simulation. That means, for example, that if you have 100 distributions in your model and you want to run 5,000 samples, LHS will have to generate, shuffle and store 500,000 random numbers prior to starting the simulation. That is why, with most simulation software products, you will experience a long delay before the simulation of large models starts. The Crystal Ball manual[3] explains the memory issue: “The increased accuracy of this method comes at the expense of added memory requirements to hold the full Latin Hypercube sample for each assumption.”

LHS also only works if one generates samples from probability distributions using the inversion method described above (i.e. reading backwards along the cumulative probability curve). There are many excellent algorithms for generating random samples from distributions that are as precise as the inversion method or even better and can be hundreds of times faster than the inversion method, but because they don’t use the inversion method they cannot be implemented with LHS. Here are just two examples:

  • The normal and lognormal distributions

The normal and lognormal probability distributions are among the most commonly used in risk analysis, yet there is no equation for their cumulative probability curves – which means that applying LHS relies on approximations to those curves. However, if you don’t use LHS, there are several much faster and perfectly precise algorithms for generating these variables.

  • The Negative Binomial distribution

The NegBin distribution is discrete, and discrete distributions are generally much harder to sample from than continuous distributions (which is probably why Crystal Ball limits the allowed values for parameters of a lot of its discrete distributions[4]). There does exist a cumulative probability function for the NegBin that looks like this:

The inversion method used by LHS generates a cumulative probability that has to be compared with the above F(x) value. Let’s say the x value that matches the cumulative probability is 200 – the inversion method requires the computer perform 201 summations to be able to find x. That is a lot of calculations! The number of calculations is proportional to x, so if x is very large the simulation time can be very long indeed. In contrast, if one is using Monte Carlo sampling, there is a very clever method for generating NegBin samples that places no restrictions on the parameters and that simulates extremely fast no matter what the value of x.


Up until the introduction of ModelRisk, every Monte Carlo Excel add-in had used the rank order correlation method for correlating variables. It is another simulation technique dating back to the early ‘80s[5]. @RISK, Crystal Ball, and nearly all other Monte Carlo simulation add-ins still use this very old and inaccurate method. Using one of these products, when a user specifies in a model that two variables are 90% correlated the software assumes that the correlation looks like this:

Risk modelers seem to accept having just one correlation pattern available to them, probably because they are unaware that others exist. To illustrate how limiting the rank order correlation method is, the following scatter plots show data generated from different copulas (proper correlation models used in ModelRisk) which all have the same 90% rank order correlation as the plot above:

The implications of using the wrong correlation structure can be really enormous - in fact it was one of the critical factors in the financial collapse of 2007/8. Copulas can also be extremely flexible - for example, ModelRisk's unique empirical copula will statistically match any correlation pattern exhibited by data with any number of variables no matter how unusual those patterns might be. The following plots show the rather unusual (we made it up for fun) correlation structure between three variables. The ‘observations’ are plotted as red points, the simulated copula values are in blue. This technique, like all the copula methods, would not be possible with LHS:

Precision of results

The more samples (iterations) one performs in a simulation model, the closer the results approach the theoretical distribution that would be given with an infinite number of samples. The proximity of the actual results to the theoretical is called the level of precision. There are statistical tests for determining the level of precision that one has achieved by running a Monte Carlo simulation. For example, one can calculate that, with 90% confidence, the mean of a simulation output is within +/- $100 of the true mean using precision control functions and allows the user to tell the software to keep running the model until one or more precision criteria have been achieved. However, no such statistical tests are available if one uses LHS.

Stopping the simulation run before completion

A simulation run is often stopped before the pre-determined number of samples is complete, either because the results already look fine, we run out of time or patience, or the precision control determines that the required level of precision has been achieved. LHS relies on the model being run for the entire number of samples originally specified, and will provide little if any extra precision if this does not occur.

Extending the number of samples

Latin Hypercube Sampling Python

It often happens that one runs say 5,000 samples of a model and after reviewing the results, we think it worth running another 1,000 or so to get better looking graphs or more precise statistics (with ModelRisk, clicking the Run button again after a simulation will give a pop-up dialog asking if you want to restart or continue the simulation). While this is perfectly possible with both Monte Carlo sampling and LHS, extending a simulation requires that LHS makes a new set of stratifications which will overlap with the old reducing any benefit that LHS might offer.

So when is Latin Hypercube Sampling useful?

LHS is useful in a couple of particular circumstances:

  1. You have only one or two distributions in your model and you need the answers very fast. In this situation, for most models the mean will stabilise more quickly with LHS, though the spread and shape of the output distribution will not stabilise much more quickly than with Monte Carlo sampling, and it is the spread and the tails of the output distribution that we are most concerned about in risk analysis. ModelRisk can simulate using Monte Carlo sampling a model with two distributions 100,000 times in under 11 seconds, or 10,000 times in a second, by which time the precision of the results will be essentially indistinguishable from LHS anyway.
  2. You are using Monte Carlo sampling to perform a numerical integration. A very specific technical situation that mostly applies in scientific and engineering work, but if you need to do a numerical integration there are better methods than simulation (for example the VoseIntegrate function) which will give a far greater precision than is possible to achieve with simulation, and performs the calculation in a fraction of a second.

[1] Iman, R. L., Davenport, J. M., and Zeigler, D. K. 'Latin Hypercube Sampling (A Program User's Guide)': Technical Report SAND79-1473, Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque (1980).

[2] @RISK Users Manual. Palisade Corporation Page 648.

[3] Oracle Crystal Ball User's Guide. Release

[4] Oracle Crystal Ball User's Guide. Release

[5] Iman, R. L. and Conover, W. J., (1982). 'A Distribution-Free Approach to Inducing Rank Order Correlation Among Input Variables', Commun Statist-Simula Computa 11(3) 311-334.


David has been a risk analyst for over 25 years, working in a wide range of fields and on an even wider range of problems. He is the author of several influential books on risk analysis, and contributed to several guidelines. He is the CEO of Vose Software and lead designer of its risk analysis software products including the World’s most powerful risk analysis software tool, ModelRisk. Sign up for a free trial of ModelRisk and find out why 10,000+ users trust ModelRisk to help them understand and manage their risks effectively.

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Making design exploration software speak the language of engineers and not mathematicians has been a focus of development since the industry’s inception. Even so, our recent case study was typical in referencing the Latin hypercube design-of-experiments method, the radial basis function for generating a response surface model, the non-dominated sorting evolutionary algorithm to generate a Pareto front—all prompting this look into some of the quantitative methods that drive design space exploration.

DOE fundamentals recap—A designed experiment is a structured set of tests of a system or process. Integral to a designed experiment are response(s), factor(s) and a model.

  • A response is a measurable result—fuel mileage (automotive), deposition rate (semiconductor), reaction yield (chemical process).
  • A factor is any variable that the experimenter judges may affect a response of interest. Common factor types include continuous (may take any value on an interval; e.g., octane rating), categorical (having a discrete number of levels; e.g., a specific company or brand) and blocking (categorical, but not generally reproducible; e.g., automobile driver-to-driver variability).
  • A model is a mathematical surrogate for the system or process.
  • The experiment consists of exercising the model across some range of values assigned to the defined factors.

In deciding what values to use—more precisely, in deciding a strategy for choosing values—the goal is to achieve coverage of the design space that yields maximum information about its characteristics with least experimental effort, and with confidence that the set of points sampled gives a representative picture of the entire design space. Numerous sampling methods exist to do this: which to use depends on the nature of the problem being studied, and on the resources available—time, computational capacity, how much is already known about the problem.

In a helpful taxonomic discussion, Noesis Solutions observes that DOE methods can be classified into two categories: orthogonal designs and random designs. The orthogonality of a design means that the model parameters are statistically independent. It means that the factors in an experiment are uncorrelated and can be varied independently. Widely used methods are fractional- and full-factorialdesigns, central composite designs and Box-Behnken designs.

Source: Noesis Solutions

“A factorial design has some disadvantages: initially it is usually unclear which factor is important and which is not. Since the underlying function is deterministic, there is a possibility that some of the initial design points collapse and one or more of the time-consuming computer experiments become useless. This issue’s called the collapse problem. Most classic DOEs are only applicable to rectangular design regions. And the number of experiments increases exponentially with increasing number of levels.”

What of the other kind? Noesis: A random design means that the model parameter values for the experiments are assigned on the basis of a random process, which is another widely used DOE method. The most commonly used random DOE method is the so-called Latin Hypercube Design (LHD).

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Source: Noesis Solutions

“The collapse problem does not occur with LHDs. This is because if one or more factors appear not to be important, every point in the design still provides some information regarding the influence of the other factors on the response. In this way, none of the time-consuming computer experiments will turn out to be useless.”

Drill-down on some principal DOE methods

Examples of (a) random sampling, (b) full factorial sampling, and (c) Latin hypercube sampling, for a simple case of 10 samples (samples for τ~ U (6,10) and λ ~ N (0.4, 0.1) are shown). In random sampling, there are regions of the parameter space that are not sampled and other regions that are heavily sampled; in full factorial sampling, a random value is chosen in each interval for each parameter and every possible combination of parameter values is chosen; in Latin hypercube sampling, a value is chosen once and only once from every interval of every parameter (it is efficient and adequately samples the entire parameter space). Source: Hoare et al., Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 2008.

  • Full factorial designs—The experiment is run on every possible combination of the factors being studied. The most conservative of all design types, yielding the highest-confidence results, but at the highest cost in experimental resources. Sample size is the product of the numbers of levels of the factors: a factorial experiment with a two-level factor, a three-level factor and a four-level factor requires 2 X 3 X 4 = 24 runs. Too expensive to run in many if not most cases.
  • Fractional factorial designs—Experiment consists of a subset (fraction) of the experiments that would have been run on the equivalent full factorial design. The subset is chosen to expose information about the most important features of the problem studied, using only a fraction of the experimental runs and resources of a full factorial design. Exploits the sparsity-of-effects principle that a system is usually dominated by main effects and low-order interactions, and thus only a few effects in a factorial experiment will be statistically significant.
  • Latin hypercube designs—Latin hypercube sampling is a statistical method for generating a sample of plausible collections of parameter values from a multidimensional distribution. In statistical sampling, a square grid containing sample positions is a Latin square if (and only if) there is only one sample in each row and each column. A Latin hypercube is the generalization of this concept to an arbitrary number of dimensions, whereby each sample is the only one in each axis-aligned hyperplane containing it. When sampling a function of N variables, the range of each variable is divided into M equally probable intervals. M sample points are then placed to satisfy the Latin hypercube requirements; this forces the number of divisions, M, to be equal for each variable. This sampling scheme does not require more samples for more dimensions (variables); this independence is one of the main advantages of this sampling scheme. Another advantage is that random samples can be taken one at a time, remembering which samples were taken so far.
  • Plackett-Burman designs—Used to identify the most important factors early in design exploration when complete knowledge about the system is often unavailable. An efficient screening method to identify the active factors in a design using as few experimental runs as possible.
  • Central composite designs—Experimental design useful in response surface methodology for building a second-order (quadratic) model for the response variable without needing to use a complete three-level factorial experiment. After the designed experiment is performed, linear regression is used, sometimes iteratively, to obtain results.
  • Box-Behnken designs—A type of response surface design that does not contain an embedded factorial or fractional factorial design. Box-Behnken designs have treatment combinations that are at the midpoints of the edges of the experimental space and require at least three continuous factors. These designs allow efficient estimation of the first- and second-order coefficients. Because Box-Behnken designs often have fewer design points, they can be less expensive to run than central composite designs with the same number of factors. However, because they do not have an embedded factorial design, they are not suited for sequential experiments.
  • Taguchi orthogonal arrays—Instead of having to test all possible combinations like the factorial design, the Taguchi method tests pairs of combinations. This allows for collection of the necessary data to determine which factors most affect product quality with a minimum amount of experimentation. The Taguchi method is best used when there is an intermediate number of variables (3 to 50) and few interactions between variables, and when only a few variables contribute significantly.
  • Taguchi robust design arrays—Taguchi robust design is used to find the appropriate control factor levels in a design or a process to make the system less sensitive to variations in uncontrollable noise factors—i.e., to make the system robust.

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This article was originally published here.

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