Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox Download Free

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But you can download 15-day trial versions of. My favourite “trial” toolbox is Parallel Computing Toolbox. When we start giving out MATLAB for free. How can I download Parallel computing toolbox. Learn more about parallel, gpu, 2010b Parallel Computing Toolbox Learn more about parallel, gpu, 2010b Parallel Computing Toolbox Toggle Main Navigation.

  • 2parallel matlab
    • 2.1batch
    • 2.2PCT (Parallel Computing Toolbox aka matlabpool)


  • CLI options for MATLAB:

parallel matlab

Parallel matlab comes in two forms.

  • Batch style where many matlab jobs are submitted and run on the Barley cluster. foo is an example of this.
  • Parallelism within matlab by use of matlabpools and parallel matlab constructs such as parfor. See below for an example.

Of course, these two can be combined to run many batch jobs, each with a matlabpool of workers.


example single matlab file run via qsub

Here's our helloworld.m:

Here's a command to run that non-interactively. (note we pass -singleCompThread for best performance):

We want to run this same command via the job scheduling system. Let's write a job script (save this as matlab_example.script)

Submit the script:

Look at the job status:

You should get output file like matlab_example.oXXXXX

example second matlab file run via qsub

Now we want to make sure we avoid AFS.

Here's our helloworld.m:

Here's a command to run that non-interactively:

We want to run this same command via the job scheduling system. Let's write a job script.

Submit the script:


Look at the job status:

You should get output file like matlab_example.oXXXXX in your current directory

PCT (Parallel Computing Toolbox aka matlabpool)

We have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can use that to parallelize your job across multiple cores in a single machine.

Here's how to write a job using MDCS:

You can use the 'maxNumCompThreads' command (deprecated) to see how many parallel threads you can run. I get '24' on barley, or '8' on corn.

simple PCT run on corn

Matlab Parallel Cloud

matlabpool of size 0 and size 1 are effectively the same, except the latter uses a PCT toolbox license.

Here are some training slides and example code that I copied from

batch matlab with matlabpools on the barley

A good way to speed up your matlab code on barley is to submit your matlab job with the shm parallel environment. The parallel environment is specified with -pe shm 4 below. The number you specify after shm will be the number of cores allocated to your job (all from the same host). In this case we are asking for 4 cores, which then become workers in a matlab pool.

There is a problem that frequently occurs with matlab if you run many jobs which all use matlab pools. Matlab is naive and does not handle having multiple instances running at the same time. To allow many matlabpools to be run simultaneously, use the following code to setup your pool. You may substitute any number between 1 and 12 for the number of cores (12 being the max matlab will let us use with current license).

To see if the matlabpools are running correctly, we will submit some jobs and check the output. In this case, its worth noting that 6 jobs ran at same time on 6 different hosts. They all ran to completion and gave same output.

cat matlabfft.o1232753

Matlab Toolbox List


The example above shows how to submit a job in grid engine to run MATLAB on multiple cores but on one compute node.

Matlab Distributed Computing Toolbox

There is also a way to write MATLAB code to split work across multiple machines simultaneously. The example code is in MATLAB help for 'parallel.Cluster/createJob.'. Please contact us if your code looks like the example there and we can help set up the MATLAB cluster parameters for your parcluster. It needs to be configured to run under a 'generic scheduler' and your code needs to define the tasks and jobs.

Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox Guide

We can use the 'shared' example code from here:

We have a TOMLAB license. To start it up:

Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox

  1. launch matlab r2013a
  2. cd to /farmshare/software/non-free/MATLAB-R2013a/tomlab
  3. startup

Same with R2013b, inside matlab:

example session:

Search the farmshare-discuss archives for posts about Matlab.

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