Free Euromonitor Reports

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Country Reports
  • Coffee in Algeria | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Argentina | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Australia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Austria | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Azerbaijan | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Belarus | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Belgium | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Bolivia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Bosnia-Herzegovina | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Brazil | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Bulgaria | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Cameroon | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Canada | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Chile | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in China | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Colombia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Costa Rica | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Croatia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Denmark | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Dominican Republic | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Ecuador | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Egypt | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Estonia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Finland | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in France | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Georgia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Germany | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Greece | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Guatemala | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Hong Kong, China | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Hungary | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in India | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Indonesia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Ireland | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Israel | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Italy | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Japan | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Kazakhstan | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Kenya | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Latvia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Lithuania | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Macedonia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Malaysia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Mexico | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Morocco | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in New Zealand | Jun 2019
  • Coffee in Nigeria | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Norway | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Pakistan | Apr 2019
  • Coffee in Peru | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Poland | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Portugal | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Romania | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Russia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Saudi Arabia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Serbia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Singapore | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Slovakia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Slovenia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in South Africa | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in South Korea | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Spain | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Sweden | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Switzerland | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Taiwan | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Thailand | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the Czech Republic | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the Netherlands | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the Philippines | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the United Arab Emirates | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the United Kingdom | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in the US | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Tunisia | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Turkey | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Ukraine | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Uruguay | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Uzbekistan | Mar 2019
  • Coffee in Venezuela | Feb 2018
  • Coffee in Vietnam | Mar 2019
  • Soft Drinks in Bangalore | Jul 2017
  • Soft Drinks in Shanghai | Jul 2017

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The Economist Intelligence Unit special reports provide executives with practical business information on macroeconomic events, country affairs and issues affecting industries. Each report contains a broad overview followed by a detailed analysis of underlying issues, and forecasts to help you prepare for future trends. Understand how to operate more effectively internationally, and discover opportunities in new markets by downloading our reports below.

The EIU's webinars

Register for the eiu's upcoming monthly webinars, on a range of topics designed to support you with your business strategy. You can also view our archive of previous webinars.

The Global Liveability Index 2019

The Global Liveability Index assesses which locations around the world have the best or worst living conditions. Download this year’s free overview to find out where your city ranks.

US relations with Russia, Turkey and Iran: No détente in sight

The Economist Intelligence Unit produces economic and political forecasts for more than 200 countries. This white paper highlights some of our key calls for Russia, Turkey and Iran, and their relations with the US.

Coalition blues: after India’s 2019 elections

The Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by the prime minister, Narendra Modi, will emerge as the largest party in the lower house of parliament after the India elections. Read this free report to find out what the future government will look like, and the key factors impacting the outcome.

Worldwide Cost of Living 2019

The eiu’s Worldwide Cost of Living report is a biannual survey comparing the cost of living in over 130 cities worldwide. The report examines more than 400 individual prices across 160 products and services.

Democracy Index 2018: Me too?

Democracy index 2018 provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. Find out where your country ranks by downloading this free report.

A new political phase for Europe: the outlook for 2019

This free report looks ahead to a momentous year for Europe – 2019. Next year will see new leaders at both the European Commission and the European Central Bank, and an entirely new european parliament. Against the backdrop of a fragmented political landscape, growing euroscepticism and an economic slowdown, what are the likely implications for the European Union and its economy?

Industries in 2019

In our latest report, find out what to expect in the year ahead for six key industry sectors: automotive, consumer goods and retail, energy, financial services, healthcare, and telecoms. The report highlights the major risks that could affect our industry forecasts for 2019.

Creative disruption: Asia's winners in the US-China trade war

Our latest report examines which countries in asia will benefit most from the US-China trade war. It focuses on the comparative advantages in the economies of north-east, south-east and south asia, examining the broader region overall, and discussing the opportunities and disruptions caused by the ongoing trade war.

Going global: Key corporate trends in developing markets

In our latest report, discover the ambitious strategies of 12 lesser-known companies, looking to expand in non-oecd markets. The companies span six 6 key industries: automotive, consumer goods, energy, financial services, healthcare and telecommunications.

The Global Liveability Index 2018

The Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Index 2018 assesses which locations around the world have the best or worst living conditions. download this year's free overview to find out where your city ranks.

Learning from Europe: the options for health and medicines financing in Romania

The Economist Intelligence unit's recent report, sponsored by the local american working group in romania, compares the healthcare systems of 12 eu countries in order to propose options for health and medicines financing in Romania.

The US-North Korea summit: What happens next?

This report assesses the short to medium term impact of the US-North Korea summit on june 12th. what concessions will be made towards denuclearisation? how will the summit affect relations with China and Japan? and how will it impact Inter-Korean engagement going forward?

Preparing for disruption: Technological readiness ranking

This report assesses how well prepared countries are for technological change. The index examines three factors - access to the internet, digital economy infrastructure, and openness to innovation - exploring why they are important, how they are changing, and which countries are best exploiting the opportunities that they offer.

The business reality check

The business reality check, developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit and presented by American Express, examines ten core business challenges from two perspectives: business views and market data, to reveal areas where a different focus could point to opportunity.

Trade war brewing? World trade in 2018

The ongoing trade dispute between the world’s largest economies, China and the US, will harm global trade in 2018. Read our latest report to find out the likely outcome of this dispute, the global appetite for new free-trade deals, as well as our forecast for global trade growth.

Worldwide Cost of Living 2018

Worldwide cost of living compares more than 400 individual prices across over 150 products and services to provide a ranking of the world's largest cities. Find out how your city fared by downloading a free copy of the summary report.

Communicating strategic insights effectively

In this white paper, we will discuss three ways of communicating strategic insights, in terms of both their analytical power and their ability to be digested by internal stakeholders. We begin with a framework appropriate for an a&i function that is trying to achieve traction, and end with a prescriptive action plan appropriate for an a&i function with recognised strategic credentials.

Value-based health in renal care in Latin America

The Economist Intelligence Unit's recent report 'value-based health in renal care in Latin America' sponsored by baxter, assesses the challenges that chronic kidney disease pose to health systems, healthcare professionals, patients and their carers, and it explores a value-based proposition of renal care in Latin America.

Unlocking value in US cancer care

This report, “unlocking value in US cancer care,” is a call to action. It recommends a pragmatic path to achieve better outcomes in cancer care in the united states, and is grounded in evidence, analysis and real examples of best practice. It is also a call of reasoned hope—at heart demonstrating that step-changes in patient outcomes need not be accompanied by rising costs.

America's ailing political parties

In this report, read our assessment of domestic politics in America, ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections. Find out our predictions for the outcome of these elections, and the main issues which could impact the results. How will republican divisions play out in the next year? And can the democrat's capitalise on the republicans' travails?

Industries in 2018

This report sets out our forecasts for six industry sectors – automotive, consumer goods, retail, financial services, healthcare and telecommunications – in 2018. What challenges and opportunities will each sector face? And how will the current political and economic climate impact this?

Russia and the EU: Friends or foes?

In this report, find out why we expect relations between Russia and the EU to be an uneasy mix of conflict and co-operation over the medium term. We also examine the relationship between key states in the eu and Russia – which countries are friends, and which are foes? How have these relationships developed in the past, and how will they evolve over time?.

Strong leader, tough decisions: What China's party congress means for economic policy

This white paper assesses the outlook for economic policy during Mr Xi's second term, in light of the upcoming chinese communist party national congress. How will the president tackle China's debt overhang? And what impact will this have on economic growth?

Climate change mitigation opportunities index 2017

Thank you for downloading the 'climate change mitigation opportunities index', developed by the eiu with the morgan stanley institute for sustainable investing, is a starting point for investors to identify in-country investment opportunities in climate change mitigation technology.

How technology is driving retail in Africa

In this white paper, find out how technology is shaping retail markets in Africa, through rising smartphone penetration, the use of mobile broadband and network coverage on the continent. What does the future look like for these fast-growing retail markets, and which obstacles remain?

Building bridges: Latin America's new trade agenda

This white paper examines what this new trade agenda will mean for Latin American countries, the opportunities presented by regional integration and trade diversification, and the political challenges it could face.

Tackling obesity in Asean: prevalence, impact and guidance on interventions

Obesity is a growing public health burden, not just in affluent countries but also in many developing nations at all income levels. The EIU's white paper responds to this challenge by providing an authoritative assessment of the current obesity landscape in a sample of six asean countries.

Cancer in China: Expanding market access for cancer therapies

In this paper, we explore the market landscape in China and market-access initiatives of companies offering cancer treatments, to help pharmaceutical companies to understand how to better facilitate early and expanded access to this market.

Progress and challenges for inclusive recycling: an assessment of 12 Latin American and caribbean cities

This EIU report benchmarks the institutional and operational context for inclusive recycling in the Latin America region.

China's supply-side structural reforms: Progress and outlook

Supply-side structural reform (sssr) dominates the economic policymaking landscape in China, shaping everything from the government's efforts to reduce excess industrial capacity to initiatives designed to curb high levels of corporate debt. in this whitepaper we provide the first comprehensive, independent analysis of the programme.

Water security threats demand new collaborations: Lessons from the Mekong River Basin

The report looks at the threat new hydropower construction poses to agriculture and fisheries, the risks urbanisation and agricultural run-off pose to water quality and the likelihood that a changing climate will exacerbate drought and flooding in the region.

Revolutions are built on hops

The report looks at how major brewers have responded to the threat from craft breweries.

Good neighbour gone bad: Policy risks for Mexico and Latin America under Trump

The election of donald Trump as US president raises questions about his government's policy towards Latin America. In this whitepaper we assess the regional implications of potential US policy measures under mr trump in various key dimensions, including trade, remittances, immigration, aid and diplomatic relations.

Measuring the middle: Quantifying market opportunities in Latin America's cities

Although Latin America has emerged from a commodity boom to chart a slowing rate of economic growth, its cities still present a compelling case for long term investment. In this whitepaper, we highlight some of the fastest growing city markets in the region and look ahead to explore the opportunities and risks that they will present, up to 2030.

Democracy Index 2016

The Democracy Index 2016 provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories—this covers almost the entire population of the world and the vast majority of the world's states.

Towards disaster-risk sensitive investments: The disaster risk-integrated operational risk model

The Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu) has been commissioned by the united nations office for disaster risk reduction (unisdr) to develop an operational risk model that can factor disaster risk into operational risk. this report evaluates 20 countries in asia, europe, africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

The chinese consumer in 2030

The chinese economy is slowing and financial risks have mounted, but one bright spot remains - consumption. our whitepaper The chinese consumer in 2030 forecasts developments in the consumer market that will be vital for companies to understand in order to grasp hold of the many emerging opportunities.

Getting ahead of the curve: Growth in Asia's emerging consumer landscape

This EIU canback special report explains how Asia's consumer landscape will evolve over the coming decade and how companies can benefit by leveraging analytics to anticipate turning points such as 'take-off' or plateau points in the life cycle of a product category.

Asean cities - Stirring the melting pot

Our latest free report uses data from the EIU's market comparison and forecasting tool market explorer to examine the growth prospects of 50 key cities in the Asean region and explore the opportunities and challenges that this growth presents.

Creating growth in a flat world: How to identify, quantify and capture new growth opportunities

In this paper, EIU Canback, a management consulting firm recently acquired by The Economist Intelligence Unit, puts forward a structured approach to identifying, quantifying and capturing growth opportunities.

The evolving role of China in Africa and Latin America

China continues to play a pivotal role in both Africa and Latin America as a trade partner, investment facilitator and financial backer. our latest report assesses how China's relationship with both regions will evolve in the years ahead in view of the instability and uncertainty caused by its recent economic rebalancing act.

Election 2016: The unpopularity contest

Our latest whitepaper forecasts that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 US presidential election, but this will be a one-term administration. Due to the high unfavourability ratings of both candidates, we explore what the future holds for the democratic and republican parties.

Brexit would push Europe back into crisis

In this report we examine how a vote for Brexit would usher in another phase of Europe's rolling crisis and why it will invite fundamental questions about the viability of the european project.

Healthcare markets in Europe - What would be the impact of Brexit?

In a new EIU white paper we discuss the possible knock-on effects of Brexit for the national health service (nhs), the life sciences industry and health innovation in the uk.

Europe stretched to the limit

A new EIU report explores the context surrounding Europe's current crisis and outlines a number of key challenges that the region will face over the next 5 years.

Opening the books: Assessing local government credit risk in China

A new eiu report sets out a framework to help investors navigate the opportunities and risks associated with the local government bond market in China.

Industries in 2016

A new EIU report, industries in 2016, brings together analysis and forecasts for six industries, identifying key strategic business issues in the year ahead.

The never-ending sale

As sales become more embedded in retail culture, with increasing intensification and globalisation of sales periods. The never-ending sale a new EIU report, explores the implications that this continuous sales season will have on the long-term outlook for the retail industry.

The Paris Climate Conference 2015

This new Economist Intelligence Unit report explores the background and context to the issues surrounding the upcoming Paris Climate Conference (30th november - 11th december).

Value-based healthcare - an update

This report from The Economist Intelligence Unit assesses the progress of implementing Value-based healthcare systems across the world. It highlights the latest steps that pioneering countries and companies have taken towards value-based healthcare.

Rising stars, fading comets: China emerging city rankings, 2015

The new emerging city rankings analyses the fastest growing cities in China and the impact they will have on future economic growth. Read the full report for more.

Crossing the frontier: The outlook for retail in Africa

As Africa grows in prominence is organised retail there ready to take off?

Dupont Food Security Index 2015

Results from the 2015 Global Food Security Index annual update reveal that food security improved in two-thirds of the 109 countries covered. Read the full report for more.

Euromonitor China

The 2014 Infrascope: Evaluating the environment for public private partnerships in Asia-Pacific

This benchmarking index and learning tool assesses and analyses the capacity of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to deliver sustainable public-private partnerships.

The NHS: How does it compare?

An EIU analysis report which compares the NHS with 30 other developed healthcare systems to gain a clear insight as to where the UK's healthcare system sits in the run-up to the may general election. Download your copy of the newly published report.

Private sector development in the Caribbean: A regional overview

This report explores private sector development in the Caribbean region.

Democracy Index 2014

The index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. Download your copy of the latest index.

Universal healthcare coverage in Indonesia

This report provides our perspective one year on from the implementation of UHC in Indonesia to help you identify opportunities for your business.

Healthcare outcomes index 2014

This report from The Economist Intelligence Unit Healthcare analyses how outcomes and spending differ in 166 countries worldwide, and outlines some of the reasons why those gaps have emerged.

The 2014 Global Microscope on Financial Inclusion

The Global Microscope 2014 highlights countries' progress in establishing laws and regulations that enhance and support access to financial products and services for low-income populations. Download the report.

The China Going Global Investment Index 2014

China's role in the global economy is changing. The country's imports are catching up with its exports. And foreign direct investment outflows are closing in on inflows. Find out which countries score the most and least well in the Investment Index by downloading this report.

Brazil's political and economic outlook under Dilma 2.0

Brazil's political and economic outlook under Dilma 2.0, focuses on the outlook for reforms and growth-enhancing policies in Ms Rousseff's second term, with a view to providing businesses operating in the country with unique insight into what to expect over the next four years.

China Index of Housing Affordability by City

The China Index of Housing Affordability by City (CIHAC), developed exclusively by The Economist Intelligence Unit, aims to shed a light on the controversial subject of housing affordability in the country.

The burden of obesity

The burden of obesity: Its relationship with food security discusses the growing prevalence of obesity and its relationship with food security.

China's Healthy Provinces Index 2014

This index helps you understand where your opportunities lie across the healthcare ecosystems within China.

Global Liveability Ranking and Report August 2014

The ranking has found that since 2008 the average global liveability score has continued to fall as instability grows around the world. Download the full ranking and report.

VBH and strategies for medtech

This whitepaper identifies strategies that medtech companies can adopt to thrive in a value based environment.

Food loss and its intersection with food security

This report from The Economist Intelligence Unit (the EIU), '˜Food loss and its intersection with food security', explores the global occurrence of food wastage in developing and developed countries.

The Dupont Food Security Index 2014

The report looks at food security including factors such as affordability, availability, safety and quality around the world

The retail industry in China

The report examines the retail industry in China both today and in the future. It is designed to help retailers understand what is happening today and in the future so they can prepare for opportunity

China's urban dreams

China's urban dreams, and the regional reality is a special report from The Economist Intelligence Unit's dedicated regional China service, Access China. The paper draws on Access China's unique province- and city-level population forecasts to illustrate how urbanisation will proceed over the next twenty years.

Retail in China

Download this paper which looks at the potential within the retail industry in China.

The App Gap Index: Where will next generation mobile apps come from?

The EIU's App Gap Index measures and quantifies a country's capacity to change the delivery channel of basic services in healthcare, education and financial services from face-to-face to mobile. Download it now.

MENA Cities 2014

As one of the fastest-growing regions worldwide, how can The EIU's city level data help businesses size the market?

Latin America as an FDI hotspot

This paper will answer a number of important questions with a view to defining the attractiveness of the region for investors, with a particular focus on Chinese investors.

Global Food Security Index 2013

The Food Security Index examines the core issues of food affordability, availability, and quality across a set of 105 developed and developing countries worldwide.

The rise of China

This paper provides a sense of China's (and Asia's) impact on the world economy and the underlying issues that China must face if it is to take advantage of the opportunities confronting it.

Democracy Index 2012

The index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. Find out why democracy is now at a standstill

Rich pickings - the outlook for luxury goods in Asia

After a boom in 2011-12, Asia's luxury goods market has seen growth slow markedly. Yet the growth of the middle class offers huge opportunities for carefully tailored brands.

Trials & tribulations: China experiments with carbon trading

This report presents The EIU's view of the opportunities and challenges China faces when considering carbon trading.

Rebels without a cause: What the upsurge in protest movements means for global politics

From the Arab revolutions to the Occupy movements, there has been an upsurge in popular protests in the past couple of years. This essay explores this trend, analyses what is specific and new about modern-day protests, and draws out the consequences for future global political developments.

The end isn't nigh

Download this report to understand what may happen when the banks turn the taps of free flowing money off.

Broadband Business Opportunities

Four years after many of the world's largest countries launched ambitious broadband plans to spur economic growth, this report assesses the business opportunities that these national broadband strategies will create for the telecommunications industry. Please register to download a free executive summary and sample country chapter.

Rock steady: A special report on coal demand

This report presents a snapshot of the EIU's outlook for the largest coal-consuming countries, including forecasts for coal demand to 2015 and projections for coal's share of the overall energy mix to 2020

The Great Game for Gas in the Caspian

Download this report to understand how direct access to Caspian gas resources is a modest first step in realising a key European energy-security goal.

Investing in the USA: Consumer Goods

This report is an assessment of the economic, political and consumer goods and retail outlook in the US. Download it today

Investing in the USA: Healthcare

This report is an assessment of the economic, political and healthcare outlook in the US. Download it today

Women's Economic Opportunity Index 2012

To measure progress in the economic advancement of women, the Economist Intelligence Unit created the Women's Economic Opportunity (WEO) Index.

Frustrated reform? What lies beyond the April elections in Indonesia

Ahead of the upcoming indonesian elections, The Economist Intelligence Unit lays out the major factors driving the electoral dynamics in this free report. What will the outcome be and how will it change the political landscape beyond 2019?

Cause for concern?: The top 10 risks to the global economy 2019

This free report identifies and assesses the eiu’s top ten risks to the global political and economic order in 2019, rating how likely each risk is to happen, and its impact on the global economy.

Turbulent times: Measuring real-time shifts in a volatile oil market

Find out how our latest product, the oil adequacy index, can be used to measure today’s fast-changing global oil market. The report focuses on the main risks to global supply and demand levels. What are these risks and how will they impact the movement of oil prices?

Asian infrastructure finance 2019

The infrastructure finance in asia report identifies significant infrastructure opportunities that can bring about trade and development, supporting income growth.

The Global Microscope 2018 on financial inclusion

the report is a benchmarking index that assesses the enabling environment for financial access in 55 countries. the research underscores the evolving landscape of financial inclusion itself. this year's index was completely revised to take a forward-looking focus on digital financial services, and to address the critical role of financial inclusion envisioned in the sustainable development goals (sdgs).

Order and progress? Brazil's post-electoral outlook

Ahead of the upcoming second round of presidential elections in Brazil, our latest report examines the potential candidates, their manifestos, and the key challenges the winner will face during their first term.

Conflict on the Korean peninsula: Implications for jobs in the US agricultural and automotive sectors

a war on the korean peninsula would trigger a juddering halt in the us's recent economic out-performance, pushing growth down to levels last seen in the financial crisis in 2008-09.

Western Balkans to 2025: a brighter future or permanent marginalisation?

Our latest white paper highlights our short to medium term forecast for the Western Balkan countries. What are the region's growth prospects? Why are they struggling to establish stronger democracies? Is EU membership likely?

Patient experience: Do measures to improve patient experience increase quality of care, hospital efficiency, and patient loyalty?

Do measures to improve patient experience increase quality of care, hospital efficiency, and patient loyalty? Our recent report, sponsored by siemens healthineers, reviewed the literature and found evidence that interventions to improve patient experience also improve clinical outcomes, hospital efficiency, and patient loyalty.

Innovation beyond the comfort zone

EIU consumer's latest white paper, exploring how focus on true innovation, combined with precise brand strategies means companies cannot only master disruption but drive it in order to create sustainable competitive advantage.

Iran on a knife edge - as nuclear deal goes up in smoke

This report evaluates the scenario of a US withdrawal from the international nuclear agreement between iran and leading nations, and a unilateral reintroduction of sanctions on Iran. it assesses how these sanctions might impact the economic, political, security and social situation in iran and the wider middle east.

Digital Health: Digital transformation in the Middle East

The Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU's) latest report explores how digital technologies are shaping the Middle East's healthcare ecosystems, activities and stakeholders in significant ways. It is also on this deepened understanding that we examine the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the realities of finding digital health solutions for this region.

A year to go: How Brexit will impact UK industry

This report quantifies the likely impact of Brexit on six key industry sectors, ranging from financial services to automotive and healthcare. It also outlines the potential consequences of a 'hard Brexit' scenario, in which talks break down entirely and the UK leaves without a deal.

Cause for concern? The top 10 risks to the global economy

This report identifies and assesses the top 10 risks to the world order, assessing their chances of occurrence and the potential impact they could have on the global economy.

Democracy Index 2017: Free speech under attack

In this report find out how democracy has fared over the last year. Democracy Index 2017 ranks 165 independent states and two territories, and addresses media freedom separately for the first time with a new media freedom index and global ranking.

The future of luxury

In this white paper, we look at the key challenges luxury companies face and what they need to do to overcome them.

China Going Global Investment Index 2017

In this report, find out where 60 major economies rank in terms of their attractiveness to chinese firms. the report draws on 57 indicators spread across ‘opportunity' and ‘risk' pillars, and now includes indices covering six key industries in order to guide firms with a specific focus.

Turning tides: A guide to Latin America's busy 2018 election year

In this white paper, find out what to expect from Latin America's busy year of elections, beginning with chile in november 2017, and ending with the presidential poll due in Venezuela in December 2018 (but unlikely to happen then). What political and economic factors are at play in each election? and how will these affect the results?

Be prepared: Public health emergency preparedness and invasive mosquitoes

EIU healthcare's report looks at how to assess and rank the potential risk of communicable disease outbreaks. This is important because they can pose a significant challenge to public health and to emergency preparedness.

Who needs integration anyway?: Next steps for growth and reform in the euro zone

In this report we analyse the growth outlook for the Euro zone in light of the bloc's improved economic performance, as well as the stability of its institutional structure. We also discuss whether potential reforms suggested by France's president, Emmanuel Macron, are necessary to sustain economic recovery.

Global Food Security Index 2017

The report provides a common framework for understanding the root causes of food insecurity by looking at the dynamics of food systems around the world.

The Global Liveability Report 2017: A free overview

In this year’s Global Liveability Ranking, Melbourne has retained its crown as the most liveable city in the world, followed closely by Vienna and Vancouver. This free report summarizes the survey’s latest findings, as well as highlighting the top ten most and least liveable cities.

No end in sight: The GCC-Qatar crisis

This white paper examines the impact on businesses operating or seeking to operate in Qatar following the recent diplomatic spat with the country and Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. How will the political crisis evolve and what risks do companies face?

Promises, promises: The UK elections and the NHS

Extra funding for the UK’s NHS has been at the centre of promises political parties are making ahead of the UK’s general election on June 8th. In this report we examine what these pledges might mean for healthcare in the UK, and how likely it is that they can be delivered. We also analyse the importance of a Brexit deal on the future of the NHS.

South Korea: Making up for lost time

South Korea’s recently elected president, Moon Jae-in, faces pressing challenges on both economic and diplomatic fronts, including tackling economic anxieties in the maturing economy, and a tense situation with North Korea. With a weak majority in the National Assembly, the task facing the president is even greater.

Inclusive growth opportunities index 2017

A first of its kind, the index offers an analytic framework to navigate in-country investment opportunities in technology-based solutions that support inclusive growth.

Where in the world is my market?

EIU Canback's latest report shows how income distribution data provides a solution to 'understanding where to play' by offering a detailed and nuanced understanding of market dynamics.

Digital health: Total convergence

The possibilities of using technology to improve healthcare are endless. our latest report looks at scaling up digital health solutions for the world. What does digital health mean today?

Incubating a new strategy for China's paediatric market

This Economist Intelligence Unit, healthcare report looks at the impact of the reform on China's birth rate in 2016, which has confirmed the EIU's expectations that any baby boom will be modest, at least relative to the huge size of China's population.

The role of coal in Europe's power mix

Competitive natural gas prices, the growth in renewables, EU air quality directives and weak electricity consumption have combined to make the European market environment for coal fired power a tough one. Our whitepaper The Role of Coal in Europe's Power Mix offers an outlook for coal-fired generation in Europe, in the light of the market trends and policy drivers that point towards further gradual de-carbonisation of Europe's power supply.

On fast-forward: Accelerating the pace of global expansion for South Korea's healthcare companies

In this healthcare report, we assess global opportunities for rapid acceleration of overseas market expansion and outline bold strategies for South Korea healthcare companies to maximise their chance of success in global markets.

Industries in 2017

Despite an improved global economic backdrop, mounting uncertainties will weigh on companies in 2017. Our free whitepaper Industries in 2017 assesses the outlook for the six key sectors covered by our Industry Briefing team - Automotive, Consumer goods, Energy, Financial services, Healthcare, and Telecommunications.

Improving Nutritional Guidelines for Sustainable Health Policies

The Economist Intelligence Unit have put together a discussion paper following an international meeting organised by the Foundazione Giovanni Lorenzini Medical Science Foundation (Milan, Italy - Houston, TX, USA) on improving nutritional guidelines in order to create sustainable health policies.

Global Microscope 2016: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion

The 2016 Global Microscope on Financial Inclusion highlights countries' progress in establishing laws and regulations that enhance and support access to financial products and services for low-income populations. Download the report.

Driving to the future: The development of connected cars

In this whitepaper, The EIU's Industry team explores both current and future uses of connectedness in the auto sector. It assesses how companies are tackling the connected car space, looking not just at traditional auto and technology companies, but also industry disruptors.

One Belt, One Road: an economic roadmap

The One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative creates significant opportunities for organisations to participate in a range of projects, especially those involved in the infrastructure, construction, heavy equipment, energy, water and related industries. Our new report attempts to make sense of this programme, addressing the opportunities and challenges presented by this important global development policy.

Global Liveability Ranking 2016

The latest findings of the EIU's Global Liveability Ranking - which provides scores for lifestyle challenges in 140 cities worldwide - show that although Melbourne has retained its crown as the world's most liveable city, liveability has deteriorated in 29 of the 140 cities (20 per cent) surveyed over the last 12 months.

South-East Asia: The New Emerging Healthcare Market Challenge

Over the next 5 years, healthcare markets in South-East Asia like Indonesia and Philippines will exceed growth in BRIC healthcare markets. Our latest whitepaper offers a market-by- market outlook for all 10 countries in South-East Asia from 2016-2020, and identifies 5 mega-trends shaping South-East Asia's healthcare landscape to help pharmas and medtechs capitalise on these emerging trends

Global food security index 2016

Results from The Economist Intelligence Unit's (The EIU's) 2016 Global Food Security Index (GFSI) annual update reveal that food security improved in over three-quarters of the 113 countries covered in the past five years. Read the full report for more.

Out and down: Mapping the impact of Brexit

In a special report The EIU maps the impacts of Brexit on different parts of the economy. The report also includes a detailed analysis on the economic and political context in which British companies would operate.

Strongman rising - What a Rodrigo Duterte presidency will mean for the Philippines

A new EIU report offers three scenarios for economic growth under a Duterte presidency.

The 2016 Migration Governance Index

The Migration Government Index aims to provide a consolidated framework for evaluating country-specific migration governance structures, and to act as a potential source for informing implementation of the migration-related SDGs.

All that glitters: Assessing opportunities and risks in post-sanctions Iran

A new EIU report, All that glitters, assesses the opportunities and risks that lie ahead in post-sanctions Iran.

China Going Global Investment Index 2015

The latest edition of The Economist Intelligence Unit's China Going Global Index identifies the evolving opportunities and risks ahead for Chinese outbound direct investment.

Democracy Index 2015

The latest edition of The EIU's Democracy Index reflects the situation in 2015, a year in which democracy was tested, providing a snapshot of the current state of democracy worldwide.

2015 Global Microscope on Financial Inclusion

The 2015 Global Microscope on Financial Inclusion highlights countries' progress in establishing laws and regulations that enhance and support access to financial products and services for low-income populations. Download the report.

The Next Lap - Biosciences in Singapore 2025

The Next Lap - Biosciences in Singapore 2025 was produced by Biosingapore in conjunction with Clearstate, an Economist Intelligence Unit business. This report focuses on the next 10 years of Singapore's biosciences industry and captures the views and predictions of the nation's biosciences industry leaders.

Global Liveability Ranking 2015

The latest findings of The Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Ranking reflect a marked increase in global instability over the last 12 months.

Navigating through China's evolving healthcare market: Healthcare 2020

This is the latest report from Clearstate (an Economist Intelligence Unit Business) on China's 2020 healthcare outlook.

Long-term macroeconomic forecast: Key trends to 2050

A new report from The Economist Intelligence Unit examines some of the big economic issues that will shape global business around the world in the coming decades. Read the full report for more.

The 2015 Infrascope: Evaluating the environment for public private partnerships in Africa

This benchmarking index and learning tool assesses and analyses the capacity of countries in Africa to deliver sustainable public-private partnerships.

The 2014 Infrascope: Evaluating the environment for public-private partnerships in Latin America

This report explores significant political and economic factors forecasting how they will have a direct impact on Singapore's medium-term growth outlook.

Prospects and challenges on China's 'one belt, one road': a risk assessment report

The EIU's report unpacks China's 'one belt, one road' plan and explores the risks that will face companies seeking opportunities in the OBOR territories. Download this report to find out more.

Singapore: striding ahead and feeling secure at 50

This report explores significant political and economic factors forecasting how they will have a direct impact on Singapore's medium-term growth outlook.

Democracy on the edge

This paper explores the recent upsurge of populist and protest movements, especially in Europe, but also in other regions of the world. Democracy on the edge is a research paper produced for the BBC's Democracy day, January 20th 2015, by The Economist Intelligence Unit.

The business of cheaper oil

Although commodities such as oil always go through cycles, the oil price falls of recent months have prompted a frenzy of speculation about what it all means in the longer term. This special report attempts to answer this question by putting the several oil supply and demand trends in a global context, and exploring what the oil price decline means for the producers, consumers, and investors.

Still making it: an analysis of manufacturing labour costs in China

The EIU has developed robust estimates of labour compensation per hour in China and each of its 31 provinces, forecast out to 2020. Download this report to find out more.

Industries in 2015

Download this report to find out what our predictions are for the key industry sectors we cover in the coming year: Automotive, Consumer Goods and Retail, Energy, Financial Services, Healthcare and Telecommunications.

Risk Snapshot November 2014

The Risk Snapshot November 2014, provides a snapshot of some of the capabilities of The Economist Intelligence Unit's risk services.

ASEAN automotive: Looking to 2015

ASEAN automotive: Looking to 2015 outlines what ASEAN integration will mean for the region's automotive industry and the strategies that various vehicle-makers, and their suppliers, are using to benefit from freer trade.

Business environment ranking & index 2014

The index ranks 82 countries in the world on a number of factors which determine how easy they are to do business in.

M&A Healthcare in Asia

The new service helps companies identify M&A opportunities in the healthcare markets in Asia.

The future of luxury brands in China

The report examines the market for luxury goods in China both today and in the future. As much as the demand for luxury goods remains strong; the market is changing.

Value-based healthcare: The impact on pharma strategy

VBH has often seemed like an attack on the business model for pharma companies. This report outlines how pharma companies must re-engineer their business strategy accordingly.

Value-based healthcare: the new normal

Download this report to understand what it takes to operate successfully in a value-based Environment

Diminishing dependence - Shrinking US oil import

This new report examines US oil supply and demand trends over the past five years, and discusses the implications for the US and the global oil market.

The 2013 Microscope on Microfinance Index and Report

2013 edition of the Global Microscope on Microfinance highlights progress in credit bureau infrastructure, client protection and mobile banking.

Growing Africa Cities: Helping you size the market

Africa's cities are growing at a rapid pace, but which are the most attractive for businesses?

Democracy Index 2013

The index provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide for 165 independent states and two territories. Download your copy of the latest index.

Euromonitor Portal

Organising an investment in India

Find out how to effectively organise an investment in India with this practical guide.

Global Liveability Ranking and Report August 2013

The ranking has found that since 2008 the average global liveability score has fallen by 0.6%, led by a 1.3% fall in the average stability score. Download the full ranking and report

Africa cities rising: Forecasting data and analysis from the EIU

Africa's cities are growing at a rapid pace, but which are the most attractive for businesses?

Beyond branches: Innovations in emerging-market banking

Banks in emerging markets are increasingly weighty in global finance. Find out which banking models emerging-market countries are adopting.

Foreign Direct Investment into Latin America

Download this report to understand which countries and industries across Latin America will benefit from FDI in the coming years.

Tankers on the horizon: Australia's coming LNG boom

This report will analyse the dominant trends in the development of Australia's gas resources and detail the LNG projects that will unlock these resources for export to markets in Asia. Download the free summary now.

Supersized cities: China's 13 megalopolises

This paper will pinpoint the 13 emerging megalopolises in China, and highlight the demographic and income trends that are shaping their development. Download the free report now.

Global Food Security Index 2012

The Food Security Index examines the core issues of food affordability, availability, and quality across a set of 105 developed and developing countries worldwide.

Into Africa: emerging opportunities for business

Download this paper to understand Africa's economic outlook, and the opportunities and risks for Chinese investors going forward.

Interviews with the main candidates in Mexico's presidential election

Download the interviews with the main candidates in Mexico's presidential election.

A greener shade of grey: A special report on renewable energy in China

Download A greener shade of grery: A special report on renewable energy in China.

Interview with Luis Alberto Moreno of the IADB

Download the interview with Luis Alberto Moreno of the IADB

Myanmar: White elephant or new tiger economy?

Download this white paper for an outlook on Myanmar's economy.

Euromonitor Us

Consumer spending priorities in fast growing emerging markets

This report analyses how household spending in China, India, Mexico, Turkey and South Africa will change in comparison to the USA and UK over the next three years. Download your copy of this report today.

The 2012 Infrascope Index and Report

An index assessing the capacity of 19 countries in Latin America to carry out sustainable public private partnerships in infrastructure (PPPs).

Oil sanctions on Iran: Cracking under pressure?

This report examines the impact of oil sanctions on Iran and countries that import its oil.

China's next generation of leaders: New faces, old policies?

This report examines the backgrounds and policy positions of China's new leaders, asking what we can expect from the incoming administration.

Investing in Singapore: Consumer Goods

This report is an assessment of the economic, political and consumer goods and retail outlook in the Singapore. Download it today

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